to the Interdisciplinary Center of Research on Emotions

Welcome to the website of the Interdisciplinary Center of Research on Emotions. The center serves as a home for researchers whose primary focus is on the study of emotions and who are coming from a broad range of knowledge areas such as psychology, philosophy, history, literature, Judaism, and management. The Center’s researchers instruct research students (graduate and doctoral) in these various fields. The Center hosts scientific conferences and workshops targeted at the relevant research community in Israel and abroad. In parallel, the Center is active in training and guiding stakeholders, both in line with our commitment to the community and in the framework of workshops, lectures and consulting services offered to commercial and public bodies. The Center is concerned with development of applied research in the knowledge areas of the Center’s members.


Information about the next event will be announced soon

המרכז הבינתחומי לחקר רגשות | טלפון:04-8288497 פקס:04-8249194 | emocntr@research.haifa.ac.il