
 General  |  Why Us?  |  List of Workshops


As a research and educational facility focusing on the field of emotion, the Center conducts a range of activities and offers services to parties interested in different aspects of emotions.


Guest lecturers

The Center offers lectures given by the guest scientists at the Center. These lectures are open to all researchers interested in the subject as well to the general public. Announcements about upcoming guest lectures appear on the Center's website.

Continuing education lectures

The Center' members lecture about the research and teaching they are doing. These lectures are given to different organizations by request. The majority of these lectures take place at the place of business of public bodies and as a service to the community, for which the Center does not charge a fee. For a list of the organizations to which lectures have been given and for the list of the current lectures or to order a lecture, please scroll down to the bottom of the page.


Guest workshops

The Center runs different workshops that are given by the world's leading researchers on research topics studied at the Center. The workshops are open to all researchers and research students in the country's institutes for higher education and offer participates the opportunity to learn about research instruments, approaches and methods being used in the forefront of today's research. Announcements about the workshops appear on the Center's website and are also sent through email directly to the relevant institutions and to those on the Center's mailing list.

Training workshops

The Center runs workshops and intervention programs in a number of fields related to the research fields, teaching and practical experience of the Center's members and associates. All workshops are supervised and tracked by the head of the Interdisciplinary Center for Research on Emotions, Dr. Shlomo Hareli, and the head of the Center's Board of Directors, Mr. Yoram Azer who is also a senior consultant in the field of organizational strategy, security and intelligence.

Applied research

The Center conducts applied research projects upon request. The objective of these projects is to use scientific instruments to examine questions and ideas that surface in the "real world" in different areas and organizations. These studies utilize the knowledge and experience of the Center's researchers for the benefit of those requesting the Center's services.


Information about the next event will be announced soon

המרכז הבינתחומי לחקר רגשות | טלפון:04-8288497 פקס:04-8249194 |