על מידע לגבי הארוע הבא במרכז תבוא הודעה בקרוב
The psychology of failures and learning from them


Organizational failures are often resulting in fatalities and other types of losses, and consequently, many organizations invest great effort and resources in preventing failures. While every organization is prone to failures, there is a great difference among different organizations in the frequency and severity of their failures. The main difference among different organizations vis-à-vis frequency and severity of failures can be attributed to the mechanisms that the organization employs to prevent failures. Building failure prevention mechanisms and mechanisms to reduce the repercussions of the failures that do occur requires understanding the factors involved in the failure as well as the obstacles standing in the way of this understanding.

The objective of the workshop is to understand the psychology of failures starting from the factors leading to the failure, continuing on to the obstacles standing in the way of mapping the points where the failure occurred through to the failure investigation processes. The workshop includes lectures about the psychology of failure situations, emotional reactions to failure and the implications of these responses for the individual and his environment, the psychology of inquiries and revealing lies, exercises and simulations. A preliminary organizational analysis for the purpose of customizing the workshop to the needs of the organization ordering the workshop is available.

Workshop topics:

The psychology of failure - factors and implications

The process of learning from failure - inquiries, lie detection, building an oversight and supervision mechanism, practicing a response

The psychology of false alarms - Putting on the brakes at the signs of potential failure

Situation analysis


Target audience:


Safety engineers

Security officers

Army officers and security personnel

המרכז הבינתחומי לחקר רגשות | טלפון:04-8288497 פקס:04-8249194 | emocntr@research.haifa.ac.il